Talabalar ilmiy jamiyati (TIJ) anjumani “Dermatovenerologiya va kosmetologiya” kafedrasida bo‘lib o‘tdi. TIJ anjumani t.f.d. professor Vaisov Adxam Shavkatovich kirish so‘zi bilan boshlandi. Konferentsiyada TTAda 12 nafar talabalar ishtirok etdi. Har bir ma’ruzadan so‘ng savol-javoblar bo‘lib o‘tdi. TIJ anjumani yakunida hakamlar hayati tomonidan qo‘yilgan ballar umumlashtirilib, sovrinli o‘rinlar va nominatsiyalarni kafedra mudiri, professor U.A. Tashkenbaeva e’lon…

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    ?Yosh olimlar va talabalarni ??Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi Dermatovenerologiya va kosmetologiya kafedrasi hamda ??Irkutsk davlat tibbiyot universiteti bilan ?hamkorlikda o’tkaziladigan xalqaro konferensiyaga taklif qilamiz! ?Konferensiya mavzusi: “DERMATOVENEROLOGIYADA DOLZARB MUAMMOLAR YECHIMI” ?O’tkazilish sanasi: 2023 yil, 24 fevral ?O’tkazilish vaqti: 10:00 ?Manzil: Nukus 1-tor ko’chasi, 14-uy (Respublika teri-tanosil klinik kasalxonasi bazasida) ? ? ? ?Кафедра дерматовенерологии…

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To the attention of all students !!!!

We invite you to the circle “Dermatovenereology without secrets”, organized by the Department of Dermatovenereology of the Tashkent Medical Academy. The circle is held 7-27 days every month, and various conversations, lectures and master classes are held on the problems of cosmetology, their modern solutions, which are an urgent problem in the field of dermatovenerology.…

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Meeting of leading medical specialists with young scientists.

Professor Atilla Lewis Mayer (Switzerland) and Professor Adham Shavkatovich Vaisov (Uzbekistan) held a meeting with senior students of the Urgench branch of TMA. Program: 1. Mayer’s report “Photodamage and photodynamic therapy”. Professor A. Mayer is a recognized European leader in endoscopic and minimally invasive surgery for breast cancer, in performing laparoscopic surgical interventions using robotic…

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On November 9, 2021, in connection with the MELANOMA day, with the participation of the faculty of the Tashkent Medical Academy and the Tashkent State Dental Institute, an “Open Doors Day” is announced at the Republican Dermatovenerologic Hospital. Consultations and recommendations for patients are provided free of charge.

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Department of Dermatovenerology invites you to take part in the cathedral stage of the qualifying round for the International Olympiad for students of medical universities, which will take place on April 22, 2021 at 14-00. To participate in the qualifying round, students of the 4rd year in the direction of “Dermatovenerology” are invited. All talented…

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