dermatovenerological diseases are the most important part of medicine , and many of them are serious medical and social problem. In modern conditions of patients , there is usually some internal diseases , so grows the need for physicians – internists , owning a hollow volume at an appropriate level skills combined treatment of dermatovenerologica diseases in their various and different combinations , allowing avoid polypharmacy and adds value to professionals at this level. In addition , masters , dermatovenerologist , being highly skilled professionals will be able to carry out not only curative and preventive work, but also the administrative and managerial, medical and social , organizational and methodological work.

The purpose of training : training of highly qualified specialists with the skills of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, as well as their complications with the use of the latest achievements of modern dermatology and venerology and medical technologies.

Learning objectives:

1. To develop at the current level of knowledge on the epidemiology , etiology , pathogenesis of dermatovenerology diseases .

2. To develop knowledge on the use of modern methods of diagnosis of dermatovenereologica diseases .

3. To develop skills of self- determination of the required volume and a set of medical and therapeutic  diagnostic procedures, including STI .

4. Teach to make the necessary and appropriate therapeutic and diagnostic procedures  manipulation of patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings.

5. Develop the ability to interpret the results of modern laboratory and instrumental studies of patients with dermatology and venerology diseases.

6. Develop the skill of providing high quality care to date in case of dermatovenereologica patients .

7. To develop skills of critical care in dermatovenereologica diseases .

8. To develop knowledge for the complex social and labor rehabilitation to dermatovenereologica patients .

9. Develop the ability to implement preventive measures but reduce the incidence of the most common dermatovenereologica diseases and preventing their complications.

The requirements for knowledge , skills and experience on the subject matter .

Master in “dermatovenereology” shall:

have an idea :

– about current issues and future directions Dermatovenereology and dermatooncology ;

– on the latest methods of research , diagnosis and therapeutic  treatment of Dermatovenereological and dermatooncological diseases with the use of specialized high-tech centers;

– on the newly developed minimally invasive interventions in Dermatovenereology pathology ;

know and be able to use:

– Features structure of the skin , blood and lymphatic system of the skin, innervations of the skin, skin appendages, normal and pathological physiology of the skin.

– etiology , epidemiology , risk factors, current theories of pathogenesis, pathologist modern classification , symptoms and syndromes , variants of clinical course , complications , and outcomes of dermatovenereologica diseases ;

– clinical, laboratory , immunologic , , morphological , microscopic diagnostic methods

– indications , contraindications, and modern methods of conservative and therapeutic treatment of dermatovenereologica diseases ;

have the skills to :

highly – questioning of patients with dermatovenereologica  pathology ;

– perform perfectly fiscal survey of dermatovenereologica  patients ;

– determination of the scope and range of necessary diagnostic and treatment interventions used in dermatovenereologica practice ;

the necessary self – treatment and diagnostic procedures to dermatovenereologica patients ;

– interpreting the results of additional research ( laboratory , functional, hormonal , immunology , microbiology , morphology )

self – realization of complex individualized le tion of dermatovenereologica disease in the dermatovenereologica hospital .

Development and implementation of rehabilitation measures to dermatovenereologica patients ;

– the provision of advice;

behavior of medical health records

List of academic disciplines and their partitions needed length study of the academic discipline .

Education master’s degree in ” Dermatovenereology ” is based na ¬ tions of knowledge and skills acquired in the dermatovenereologica and clinical departments for the training of medical HIGH SCHOOL a course for general practitioners and includes the following:

  1. Normal anatomy ( structure of the internal organs )

2 . The normal physiology of functional physiology of the internal organs )

3 . Pathological Anatomy and Histology (macro – and microscopic substrate disease in surgical diseases ) .

4 . Pathological physiology (mechanisms of the disease , the adaptive- compensatory reactions and patterns of homeostasis of the organism in surgical diseases ) .

5 . Biochemistry ( basic biochemical reactions that underlie the development of surgical diseases in complex adaptively -compensatory mechanisms of the whole organism ) .

  1. Microbiology ( microbiological and biochemical characteristics of etiological agents , methods for their identification and selection techniques optimal antimicrobial treatment surgical infectious diseases ) .
  2. Propedeutics internal medicine (medical questioning , physical examination methods , clinical syndromes therapeutic methods of diagnosis of diseases ) .
  3. Internal Diseases (etiology , pathogenesis , classification , clinical manifestations , complications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis , comprehensive treatment , rehabilitation and prevention of diseases of the internal organs).
  4. Surgical diseases ( diseases of the internal organs of complications requiring emergency or elective surgical treatment , clinical, laboratory and instrumental criteria for the most common surgical diseases).

10 . Anesthesiology and Intensive Care ( emergency care and resuscitation for treatment of internal organs).

  1. Infectious disease (diagnostic criteria and principles of treatment of the most common infectious diseases ) .
  2. Phthisiology ( visceral tuberculosis , clinical and laboratory diagnostic criteria instrumental ) .
  3. Endocrinology (diagnostic criteria and principles of treatment of the most common endocrine disease , damage internal organs with endocrine diseases ) .
  4. Clinical Allergy ( common clinical manifestations of allergic diseases and syndromes , the diagnostic criteria of internal organ involvement in allergic diseases , emergency care).
  5. Ophthalmology (pathology of eye diseases in the therapeutic ) .
  6. Dermatovenereology ( loss of internal organs in skin and venereal diseases , diagnostic criteria ) .
  7. Haematology (diseases of the internal organs , accompanied by anemia , Leukemia diagnostic criteria , treatment guidelines ) .
  8. Occupational diseases (occupational poisoning , occupational diseases , the criteria for diagnosis , examination of disability ) .
  9. Obstetrics and gynecology ( the course and treatment of medical illness in pregnant women, the indications for abortion , clinical diagnostic criteria for common gynecological diseases).
  10. Oncology ( cancer early clinical signs of disease of the internal organs , laboratory and instrumental criteria ) .
  11. Psychiatry ( psychosomatic syndromes in internal diseases , iatrogenic mental disorder therapeutics for the treatment of diseases).
  12. Nerve disease (clinical , neurological symptoms and syndromes in internal medicine , emergency conditions in neurology ) .
  13. Otorhinolaryngology ( ENT organs , accompanied by general symptoms, loss of upper respiratory tract diseases in therapeutic ) .
  14. Dentists I ( independent and iatrogenic diseases of the oral cavity in internal medicine ) .

Clinical pharmacology ( mechanism of action , pharmacodynamics , pharmacokinetics , drug interactions ).

Themes of dissertations

Graduate students 3 courses

in specialty 5A 510108 “Dermatovenereology”

  Название Научный руководитель
1 Латипов Ихтиер Особенности функционального состояния щитовидной железы и цитокинового спектра у больных с алопецией. Проф.Исмаилова Г.А.
2 Юсупова Шахноза Сравнительная эффективность терапии  папилломавирусных инфекций кожи и слизистых. Н.с.Ваисов  И.А.


Ваисов А.Ш.

3 Маматкулова Насиба Клинические особенности и цитокиновый статус у пациентов саркомой Капоши. Н.с. Халидова Х.Р.

Консультант-проф Исмаилова Г.А.

4 Правоторова Татьяна Сравнительная эффективность терапии рубцовых изменений кожи. Проф.Исмаилова Г.А.
5 Вапаев Улугбек Сравнительная эффективность терапии трихофитии с учетом показателей эндотоксемии. Асс Миродылова Ф.Б.

Консультант-проф Исмаилова Г.А.

6 Тажимова Лобар Особенности микробиоциноза кожи и его коррекция с учетом антибиотикорезистентности у больных с угревой болезнью. Асс Абрамова В.А.

Консультант-проф Исмаилова Г.А.

7 Жураева Муниса Определение иммунологических показателей и эффективности лечебного плазмафереза при псориазе. Доц. Нурматова И.Б.