Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology.

Doctor of medical science, associate professor of the department. In a post from 2015.

Born in 1973 in Samarkand in the family of employees . In 1990 , she graduated from high school number 110. In 1990, the first state admitted to the Institute of Medicine. In 1996 graduated and became a clinical intern at the same institute in the department of skin and venereal diseases.

In 1998 he enrolled in graduate school at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the First Medical Institute . In 2002 she defended her thesis on the topic: “Clinical and epidemiological patterns of incidence of syphilis and forecasting method of mathematical modeling” in the same year became assistant in the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the First Medical Institute .

In 2005-2007, served as the deputy dean of the Faculty of Dentistry 3-4 courses of TMA . A doctoral thesis on ” Pathogenic aspects of comprehensive treatment of allergic vasculitis of the skin .” Author of 3 educational works , more than 50 scientific papers , including the near and far abroad.

At the moment, the department is responsible for the 3rd year of dental faculty and work ” Madaniyat and Marifat” .

Married. She has a daughter and a son.