Training of dermatovenereologists and scientific development of problems of a dermatovenerology in Central Asia began after the organization in 1920 of department of skin and venereal diseases of medical faculty of the Turkestan university, with clinical base on 30 beds in the Tashkent district hospital. The representative of the St. Petersburg dermatologic school professor Anatoly Ilyich Lebedev (1888 — 1923) heading department till 1923 was elected the first manager. In April, 1921 at Narkomzdrava the interdepartmental commission on development of measures of fight against prostitution and a lues was framed. Thanks to its persistence on July 17, 1922 it was succeeded to open clinic on 22 beds. And the first dermatoveneral dispensary with a hospital on 30 beds was organized in 1924 in Tashkent, with staff of 5 doctors and 10 averages of health workers. With opening of KVD and the organization the obsledovatelskikh of venerologic groups begins organizational planned fight against a lues and infectious dermatoses.

First assistants of department were B.A. Derevschikov and A.S. Zelmanovich who have worked with two residents G.I.Umansky and B.N.Baranovsky . A major scientific contribution of the monograph professor , released in Tashkent dedicated pathological histology of skin diseases and syphilis. Professor A.I.Lebedev paid much attention to cutaneous leishmaniasis , offered his classification of this dermatosis by morphological features and created a collection of plaster casts . Professor A.I.Lebedeva life , physically very strong man , who spoke in the guise of the circus and undefeated on the wrestling mat was interrupted premature death.

Isaiah Samoylovich Milman (1924 – 1930)

From 1924 to 1930 he was Head of the Department – Doctor of Medicine , Professor Isaiah Samoylovich Milman . In 1922, at the edges of the Bacteriological Institute was organized by serological laboratory and soon began the production of antigens and hemolytic sera. The number of beds increased to 35 , expanded laboratory.

At the initiative of Professor J. Milman S.V. in 1925 year was established scientific society of dermatologists . On the 2nd Scientific Congress of Doctors of Central Asia ( 1925) in Tashkent were reported results of a survey of the population for syphilis and infectious dermatoses . The incidence of syphilis in 8 districts of the country ranged from 0.9 to 12.5 % of the population , and 69.6 % are tertiary syphilis.

Residents G.I.Umansky and V.I.Baranovsky have been translated into over staff assistants, resident A.A. Akovbyan was elected full-time assistant . G.N. ZABELIN , N.L. Bereskina and K.M. Ternovenko worked as an intern .

During these years, the state measures taken to combat alcoholism , drug addiction, immoral elements. Scientific Congress on 3 doctors of Central Asia ( 1928 ), scientists and delegates stressed the importance of the dispensary practices and the need to establish an institution that would be the center for the control of sexually transmitted diseases.

Anatoly Yossi fovich Kartamishev (1930 – 1940)

In 1930, the head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases , was elected Professor Anatoly Yossi fovich Kartamishev , a representative of the Kiev school dermatologists . Since his arrival on intensified Manually work , the Department has expanded due to capital structures for the lecture hall, additional chambers , the number of beds increased to 65 . It was organized by serological laboratory at the clinic started functioning Venereal Diseases Hospital, which later became independent Tashkent regional clinic. In the State Department worked Professor A.I. Kartamishev , Associate Professor A.S. Zelmanovich , senior assistant A.A. Akovbyan , graduate S.H. Kapino , supernumerary assistant G.I.Umansky , head of the serological laboratory A.Y. Degtyar . Graduate students were Muldagaziev M. , M. Kazbekova , K.S. Velichko, interns A.P.Stepanova , Z.H. Rahmatullin , A.G. Echberger , N.A.Shestakova , P.F. Berezin , interns M.T.Medvedeva , M.Zapevalova , externally I.I. Potocki .

Since 1930 , annual national meeting of dermatologists in 1932 was organized by serological laboratory at the clinic TashMI . March 26, 1932 took place the first national congress of dermatologists and Uzbekistan on June 7 was created Uzbek Research Institute of Dermatology and Venereology . The task UzRIDV defined study population prevalence of syphilis , gonorrhea , fungal infections , scabies and systematic organization of recreational activities . Since January 1933 introduced a statistical map of patients. With the opening in 1932, the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases in Samarkand Medical Institute and Tashkent Institute of Advanced Medical improved opportunities for training qualified personnel for dermatology research , teaching and practical work. In April 1934 , the clinic of skin diseases in Tashkent Medical Institute formed the SVDD (Head – Akovbyan A.A. , Senior Assistant Professor ) in 1940 transformed the Tashkent Regional SVDD – Assistant Professor Zabalova A.G. ) .

Tzvetan Angelovič Kristanov (1940 – 1945)

In 1940 , the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of TashMI chaired by a representative of the Moscow Dermatology School Professor Tzvetan Angelovič Kristanov ( 1898-1974 ) . Chair of Professor Ts.A.Kristanovym refers to the period of the Great Patriotic War, when much attention was given to providing dermatological care to patients in the hospitals of Tashkent . Was elected Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences A.A. Akovbyan , PhD Associate Professor S.H. Kapino . Assistants were K.P. Kamzolova , K.M.Ternovenko , R.P. Katz , P.F. Berezin , A.M. Brodsky , M. Kylan , graduate M.A. Gulyamova , K.S. Suleymanov and W.A. Abdullayev .

In the 1940-1945 years the Dean of Academic Affairs TashMI. During this period, significant focus on assisting in the evacuation hospital dermatological patients of Tashkent. During the war the number of SVDD in the country has increased from 152 in 1941 to 162 in 1945 , the number of beds from 632 to 899 . However, the migration of the population , a decrease of experienced doctors and problems with drugs and reagents , reduction of requests and much more, was the reason for the growth and recurrent infectious syphilis in the country.

After the war ended in 1945 TS.A. Kristanna leaving home to Bulgaria , where he became an academician Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and many years of working the rector of the university.

Armais Aristogesovich Akovbyan (1945 – 1971)

In 1945 he was elected chair of Armais Aristogesovich Akovbyan ( 1900-1974 ) , Doctor of Medical Sciences , Professor , Honored Worker of Science of the Republic , who led the department until 1971 under his leadership, were prepared first Doctor of Medicine ( U.M. Mirakhmedov , K.S. Suleymanov , R.A. Kapkayev ) and many candidates of medical sciences of the indigenous population. A.A. Akovbyan – author of over 100 scientific publications and 10 original monographs. For many years he was the supervisor of the student scientific society in TashMI . During this period, lecturers worked S.H. Kapino , K.P. Kamzolova . U.M.Mirahmedov assistants , K.S Suleymanov , K.M. Ternovenko , P.F. Berezin , M.A. Gulyamova graduate student R.A. Kapkayev. Subsequently, the lecturers were U.M.Mirahmedov , M.A.Gulyamova , R.A.Kapkaev , assistants candidates od Medical Science E.I.Danilyants , A.A.Brukson , M.M.Abidov , N.A.Yaroshetskaya . Interns worked L.A. Astsaturova , J.S. Buzhin , B.A. Kirillov , D.V. Kozlov , T.M. Kasihina , I.A.Timofeev , Z.T.Talipov , Head of serological laboratory L.S.Kim , clinical residents S.S. Saipov Sh.D. Eshanhodzhaev for – leadingof biochemical laboratory M.G. Abidova . Since 1945 and 1965, the number of SVDD in the country has increased 1.9 times , serolaboratory – 4.1 , the number of doctors dermatologists – 2.9 times . In 1947, the Residency was opened .

UzRISVD employees and departments of Skin and Venereal Diseases institutions and doctors involved in conducting 26 venereal expeditions. In Tashkent State Medical Institute in UzRISVD in 1964 , and later in Samarkand, Fergana and Andijan had been established staging RIBT and the whole complex seroreactions . By 1965 , a sharp reduction in the incidence of syphilis in the Khorezm region by 100% in KKASSR in other areas of the country a reduction of over 90 %.

Usman Mirahmedovich Mirakhmedov

After the transition A.A. Akovbyana in 1971 as professor of the department head becomes MD, professor Usman Mirahmedovich Mirakhmedov ( 1918-1994 ) – a veteran of World War II, who did much to develop and implement new methods of serodiagnosis of syphilis , early diagnosis and new treatments. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications, including 10 monographs. At the department during this period worked R.A.Kapkaev professor , associate K.P. Kamzolova , M.A. Gulyamova M.M. Abidov , assistants E.I. Daniliants , L.A. Astsaturova , A.M. Karimov , S.S. Saipov , B.J. Yusupov , who later became Professors A.S. Vaisov , A.B. Rakhmatov , D.H. Jalilov . Under the direction of U.M. Mirahmedova were prepared candidates of medical sciences A.M. Karimov , B.J. Yusupov , S. Turahodzhaeva , Abu Ali Attab and B.N. Nazhimov.

In 1974, the director of UzRISVD appointed Associate Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases Abidov Matlabhodzha Muradovich . In the years clearly manifested organizational talent existing tandem leaders Dermatovenerologic Service : UM professor Mirakhmedov – chairman of the Republican Society dermatologists and assistant professor Abidov M.M. – Director of UzRISVD . In the well-coordinated tandem to strengthen the material and technical equipment of the service , built a new building complex for UzRISVD , in 1976, the II Congress of the dermatologists of Uzbekistan , which determined the further development of the service.

Radik Abdullaevich Kapkaev (1975 – 1999)

An important chapter in the history of life (held in 1975) a new institution – HPC Central Asian railway evolved to an independent course for skin and venereal diseases , which in 1976 became the Department of Medical Faculty, Tashkent State Medical Institute , led by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist , Professor Radik Abdullaevich Kapkaev . It creates the clinical base of the department for 80 beds ( Venereal Diseases Dispensary Asian Railway ), which in a short time converted in the most modern and logistically equipped clinic. Associate professor in the department worked Co. Inc. Vaisov , assistants , L.A. Abolyants , V.A. Akovbyan , L.A. Astsaturova , E.I. Daniliants , E.A. Kadyrov , E.G. Kim, B.L. Luban , M.A. Nasimova , M.A. Rakhimov. Later worked at the department Prof. G.A. Ismailov , associate B.L. Luban , E.A Kadyrov , E.E. Bekmuradova , assistants N.Y. Talanin , M.K. Kahn, S.N. Murathodzhaeva , B.I. Mukhamedov , M. Karimov, F.D. Yusupov , M.D. Isanbaeva , B.U. Mirakhmedov , A.F. Ibragimov , A.F. Artikov , U.A. Yusubaliev , N.F. Gharib , U.A. Tashkenbaeva.

Professor R.A.Kapkaev created his own school dermatologists , doctors prepared 6 ( V.A. Akovbyan , A.Sh Vaisov , E.G.Kim , G.A. Ismailov , B.D. Alimov, A. A. Sadikov) and more than 20 candidates of medical Science. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications and more than 10 monographs and satin. The activities of Professor R. Kapkaev inextricably linked with the history of TashMI in which he has gone from clinical intern to the head of the department , was Dean of Academic Affairs .

Under his leadership, the level of quality has improved diagnosis and treatment of dermatological patients in the country, was first held laser treatment rooms , a thermal imaging diagnostics , PUVA therapy , cryotherapy , medical cosmetology , developed an original method for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis , a method of photochemotherapy in a hot climate , studied ultrastructural and immunologic changes STIs. He created his own school dermatologists.

Vaisov Adkham Shavkatovich (1991 – 2012)

Professor Vaisov Adkham Shavkatovich, Kapkayev R.A. pupil., in 1991 it is elected the head of the department of skin and venereal diseases of the Second Tashkent state medical institute. In 1991, at the last congress of the USSR, Vaisov A.Sh. is elected the vice-chairman of All-Union society of dermatovenerologists and the chairman of the Tashkent city and republican society of dermatovenerologists of Uzbekistan. Heads Specialized Council for protection of doctoral and master’s theses in the specialty 14.00.11. – skin and venereal diseases. On his initiative and under his management on the basis of department and skin office of clinics of Tashgosmi the new type of medical institution is created – the MZ RUZ Republican scientific educational health center “Vitiligo” which working at the principles of the mixed financing shows prospects of the market relations. One of bases of department локализуетс on on the basis of clinic of Makhliyo-shifo where cosmetology correction and therapy of diseases of skin and a hair – vitiligo, eels, good-quality new growths of skin, an alopetion is carried out, the posteruptivnykh of changes, etc. on the modern equipment electrothermic coagulation, laser correction and destruction, a peeling, etc. are carried out. Since 2003 is the editor-in-chief of the Central Asian jurnal “Новости дерматовенерологии и репродуктивного здоровья”.

Ismailova Babble Amindzhanovn (1999 – 2005)

From 1999 to 2005 professor Ismailova Guli Amindzhanovna has been elected the manager of department of First TashMI. The main task of department is training of the general practitioner and training of masters in 14.00.11 a dermatovenereology and in 2005 she becomes the director of the program of training of masters. More than 160 scientific works, including 3 manuals, 6 methodical recommendations, 2 copyright certificates and 8 patents for an invention, publications abroad – 38 are the author. Under her management 8 master’s theses are defended. Directs over work of 2 applicants, is a consultant of work of 1 doctoral candidate.

Allayeva Muyassar Dzhaloliddinovna (2012 – 2015)

Since 2012 associate professor Allayeva Muyassar Dzhaloliddinovna has been elected the manager of department of the Tashkent Medical Academy. In 1999 – 2003 I was a junior nauyany employee in the Republican Center of dermatology and venereology. in 2009 have defended the PHD “Прогнозирование заболеваемости и лечения тхофитии с учетом факторов окружающей среды“. Is the author of 3 educational and methodical works, more than 30 scientific articles, including the FSU and beyond.

Tashkenbayeva Umida Alisherovna (2013 – until the present)

Since 2015 the head of the department of skin and venereal diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy is. Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor. In a post since 2013. In 2005-2007 I worked as the deputy dean of 3-4 courses of stomatologic faculty of TMA. 2015 I defended the doctoral dissertation on a subject: “Патогенетические аспекты комплексного лечения аллергических васкулитов кожи”. Author of 5 educational and methodical works, more than 50 scientific articles, including FSU and beyond.